Whats New for 2018?!

Hey guys! It's been awhile...I know. I haven't exactly been c o n s i s t a n t, but let me tell you life happens and I've decided to grant myself some grace and not dwell too much on the matter. Big changes are happening over this way as I fine tune my business and realize what works best for my clients, my family, and myself! After all I am a mother first and foremost and now we have a high-spirited Labradoodle puppy to add to the crazy over here; so bare with me as I figure out my new schedule.


I can tell you there will be changes. Life is happening hard. Yes life is happening all- of-the t i m e. But for my family it's going to be happening HARD this next year and I really need to brace myself and be present and enjoy the ride. With that being said, this is a passion of mine, and I will prioritize and make time for it. I am not a blogger by any means. I have mad respect for bloggers and I do LOVE to write, but being consistent for me is hard and to make it as a blogger, consistency is key. I started this business to pursue my passion and have fun and if it's not fun...why do it? I still plan on posting, but they may be more quick thoughts rather than long thought out 'articles'. 


My services will be changing somewhat. I want to reorganize my service packages. I plan to list step-by-step detailed processes for each package that completely describes what they entail. That means I can better manage expectations, my time, the clients time, and zero in on my fees. My fees will be changing, but you'll know EXACTLY what you’re getting with the service you select! I'll also be adding more 'on the fly' quick services. Like Outfit of the Day help or 'quick I'm going to an event which looks better' help. There seems to be a need for this until I can get my forum up and running. Also, (EXCITING) all my clients will be granted free access to the forum and current clients will be involved in the beta testing! Yippee, this bonus is so awesome guys and it's great way to maintain your styling in between sessions! 


Ok so back to the whole New Years theme here. They say setting manageable goals for yourself is a must to hold your productivity accountable. So I'm going to put mine out here for the WORLD to see (or at least those who follow a long or stumble upon my site). If you feel inspired or excited to share your goals please comment; I'd love to hear yours! 


1. Be more present in life.


I am a habitual stare-at-my-phone kind of person. OKAY maybe I'm not HORRIBLE, but I check social media more than I'd like to. I want to save all my social media time for p u r p o s e f u l posts. This means stuff pertaining to my business or things I want to document with my kids. Other than that I want to stay away from it! Yep that’s right I want to be more social media- less this year. Now a days they say for a business you have to be on all sorts of social platforms constantly and I just DON'T enjoy that! Eventually, I'll be looking to hire someone who does, but until then I'm not going to expend my energy on something that feels like a chore. Most of my efforts will be directed toward Instagram and Pinterest with the occasional shared link on my facebook page. The only time I want to be checking social media is after I post and then I will for sure check in on all of you guys so follow me and I'll follow back, just say you came here from my site! 


2. Be more patient.


This goes hand and hand with being present. I am FAR less patient when I am not present. I am not present when I'm on my phone...I know you guys under stand this, but it helps for me to type this out loud. My kids deserve the best side of me and I don't have the energy to give it to them when I'm too busy keeping up with the Jones on social media! Life is beautiful, by being present, patient, and mindful I think I will see its beauty more consistently. 


3. Plan Plan Plan.


I'm not a planner! Ugh. Anyone who knows me knows I am a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of girl. I have a giant white board and I think I may try an old fashioned planner (in an effort to be on my phone less). So if you have any recommendations throw them in the comment section below! I love when they have monthly, weekly, and hourly sections. Bonus points for sections to plan out social media posts (ehhh)! 


4. Grow baby grow


I am growing my business this year. This may be a challenge because my family may be in transition this year as my husband chooses whether to retire from his current job, or take a new position in a different area. Either way I'm committed whether it's offering more remote services or traveling once in awhile to meet with clients. I plan to completely launch the forum and hope that it's a useful and fun tool for all of you! 


5. Image Consulting.


I am branching out from just styling clothing. I want to be able to offer my clients the complete package! This means I will be opening up packages that involve a complete head to toe consulting and hooking you up with the right people to get you the image you want to perceive! I'm super excited for this and I hope my clients will be too! 


6. Collaborate with other ENTREPRENEURs .


I would love to collaborate with other entrepreneurs! Whether it's writing helpful material together, creating a fun article for each other’s sites, showing off your products, supporting your business openly, I'd love to work with you! I want to network with like-minded people and I want us to support each other. Doesn't that just sound like so much fun?! I love love love working with others (calling all photographers, personal trainers, dieticians, shop owners)! This is probably the biggest challenge about being in business by yourself, when I'm not working with a client I feel lonely! I find drive off encouraging team members. My girl, Miranda over at Tuck and Bundle has been so inspiring to me how she's always reaching out and working with others; not to mention she's put together a pretty awesome team and I'm so proud I get to be a part of it (from afar)! Speaking of that collab we've been brainstorming a collaboration to officially announce my brand and In 2018 I will follow through with that too...I p r o m i s e Miranda! 


7. Keep organized on household chores.


Yeah that’s right I went there. I usually wait until I can't take the disorganized mess of my house and then I go on a grumpy rampage fixing it all at once! I hope to have set days of the week that I tackle simple up keep things so I can try and stay stress free as much as possible. 


8. Develop JZimmer Fit more.


 I work out quite a bit; if you're interested I'd love to share that side of me more. I'd love to collaborate with dietitians and personal trainers to come up with some helpful content! 


9. Get out and adventure no  matter how small the adventure may be.


I've mentioned before under my wimpy travel section that I have a big case of wanderlust, but at this point in my life for the next 6 months at least I have to stay buckled down. I need to remind myself that there can still be adventure right out my front door and now thanks to the puppy I am forced to get out more! Hopefully, I can get back to seeing the world more (as soon as this summer)! Stay tuned! 


Well that's it friends! All my goals both personal and professional laid out on the Internet for everyone to hold my accountable! What are your goals? Do we share any?


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